Book and reading promotion projects

Execution in 2017
_cc781905-5cde-3194-bbbad-136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905-5cde-3194-bbbad5cf58d_This project has run a set of Readings - This project has run a set of Reads_3194-bbbad5cf-136 150 reading circles - whose repertoire included works for young and adult audiences of different profiles. The selection of works to compose this repertoire of readings aimed to draw an overview of the writing of women in Brazil in the 20th century and the beginning of the 21st, a fundamental period to understand the relationship and mechanisms of symbolic power and domination between the sexes, and how these are inscribed in the social organization and literary production of our country.
The practice carried out was extremely simple, but of significant acceptance by the population still far from books and literary reading: gather a group, present to this a literary work through reading aloud and encouraging discussion of the work in its aesthetic and subjective aspects, in order to sharpen the eyes of these potential readers and awaken their critical spirit and intersubjective dialogue.
O ciclo “Palavra de Mulher ” began in 2012 with the Cultural Foundation of Curitiba, on the initiative of actor and reading mediator Alisson Freyer. The main purpose is to contribute to the formation of readers and to strengthen the ties of the community with the spaces and moments of artistic enjoyment.
_cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ In addition to this "primary function" of the project's actions, the choice of the theme addressed and the resulting repertoire fulfills another important social function, fostering discussions with the community about the relations between power and gender, fundamental for the breaking of some current and harmful paradigms to a large part of the population that continues to be oppressed by excluding, sexist and sexist behaviors and concepts.
_cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_The team believes that by proposing to the population a greater intimacy with the life and work of women of great representation, it can contribute to the construction of new conceptions about the established relationships (which for many, in given contexts, justify the fetishization of the female body , the veiled – and not veiled – violence against women, the still present inequality of value in the labor market, etc...)
_cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ This same cycle of readings was held in the city of Curitiba since mid-2012, and was awarded in December 2014 with the "Viva Trophy Reading" by the Ministries of Culture and Education. And in 2017, it was contemplated by Public Notice 1 PROFICE, with 150 reading circles being held in the municipality of São José dos Pinhais with reading mediators: Ali Freyer, Juliane Souto and Lígia Quirino.
Reading Mediators: Ali Freyer, Juliane Souto and Lígia Quirino
Production Director: Rodrigo Hayalla
Press Office: Victor Hugo
Photographic record: Janaina Micheluzzi
Realization: Swarm Movement