Projects for the production and circulation of theater shows

Debuted in 2017
I'm thinking about how much I want you, Andie. I'm thinking about how you know yourself.
You know your perfect angle... you know how to value yourself, Andie! He knows how to throw his blond hair to the side, on his (always) right shoulder. It's a shame that I don't know myself that well and end up (always) throwing my hair all over you.
In a 2mx2m bathroom she hides inside her own house during her own party.
Guests are waiting for news, in the audience (as at any party, as at any show). Andie, a turtle that lives on his shoulder, is his only companion. The only one that deserves a title that bears her name. The only one that deserves to be
flushed down the toilet like vomit.
From the actress's concerns and personal references, the scene emerges where all you see is a cluster of failed attempts. Every detail is always a stone's throw from where it should be, and ends up in a shameful failure judged under Andie's small, round black eyes. From Andie?
Dramaturgy and acting: Juliane Souto.
Directed by: Ali Freyer.
Lighting: Erica Mityko.
Musician: Alvaro Antonio.
Cenotechnician: Sergio Richter
Photography: Paulinha Kozlowski
Production Director: Rodrigo Hayalla
Production Assistant: Lígia Quirino and Janaína Micheluzzi
Production: Penguin Productions
Produced by: PUTO Group
Credits: Elenize Deszgeniski